Saturday, January 30, 2016


Recently, I joined a vet buddy of mine who was the guest lecturer at the local Community College.  I will have to say that I was very impressed with their interest in  Vietnam vets, origins of war, etc. Before class, I chatted in general with the instructor: his goal, what he hoped to achieve with his class. Pretty much with these college kids, the same as the general public. They love the soldier, appreciate what he has done but don't have plans to join him. Herein lies the rub so to speak. We have an All Volunteer Force of good soldiers, we think. They haven't really been tested and Americans that care (not all do) have a tendency to think as I read somewhere that we have a military made up of "Seal Team 6," types. Bullshit. Ideally, we would like a Force, representative  of our country, it is what a democracy is. Bottom line, we have a military that is by in large unproven with a leadership vacuum of too many generals and a Secretary of Defense, much more interested in being PC than the quality of the "Force." As these kids would probably say, we are F..K!!!!!!!!!!

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