Friday, November 21, 2014



The Prez's courageous stance on immigration surprised no one. These old guys I hang out with are naturally on opposite sides-- they have very decided and thought-out opinions. Their Repub view is that we already have all these laws and merely need to enforce them. Immigration, according to one, started during Caesar Chavis's time with "guest workers" who were suppose to go home. They didn't and we didn't enforce the law and so here we are. 

My one contribution is a philosophical one as I think immigration, like race, is one of those unsolvable problems that based on our system, can't be fixed. We are doing about as well as we can. 

We are all immigrants and if you go back far enough, you will discover it. I see these immigrants say something like, "I am an American. This is my country." Brings tears to my eyes every time. Contrast this to these ignorant, died in the wool, opinionated bigots.  

I thought the president's comments were "right on." He should tell the Republicans,
 "f..k you very much. 

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